Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Planes, Trains and well... Planes again.

I've been traveling quite a bit for work over the past few months - New York, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Philadelphia, London (SQUEAL!) in May - and there are several things I've picked up on as a 'business' traveler as opposed to those 'other' people.

I have gotten traveling down to the science. The right shoes, bags packed, reading material, work material -- all packed in order of when I'll need it as I arrive and go through the check-in process.

Tangent: On my first business trip I traveled with a very powerful woman in my company that is both feared and awed because of her ability to close any deal with any client (I now work with her daily and still look at her in awe but none of the fear - she'd laugh if she ever knew I feared her). We were jetting off to NYC for the launch for a very big client product and would be gone for a week and a half. I spent the entire night before planning each outfit perfectly so I could be 'so New York' (um... black anyone?). Well, I got so carried away that I ended up having to check the bag (confession: I even paid the $25 extra because it was so heavy) and when we landed I learned lesson #1 of business travel - Never EVER check your luggage, EVER. I was told this several times while we waited at the carousel with said scary woman above. End Tangent.

As I've waited in lines with vacationing families or 'others' I've become acutely aware of the stupid, stupid things people do to undoubtedly, almost purposefully make me miss my flight. In particular are the electronics and liquids people decide to pack. Have you not watched the news in the past oh say seven years? Do the numbers 3-1-1 not mean anything to you? You get 3 ounces, 1 zip lock bag, 1 per traveler - come on now!

Its the arguing that I really don't understand. The TSA (god bless them) have something like a gillion people come through their lines in an hour - they've made the rules as simplistic and readily available as possible - do you really think arguing that your 6.5 ounces of Channel makeup is an exception to the rule because its expensive? Really? Or that you didn't know that you had to take your laptop out of the bag while its scanned? And don't even get me started on strollers.

So dear, fine Internet population and readers of my blog -- take a look at this site. Read it, learn it, live it. It will really, really make my life easier. Thanks.

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