Wednesday, April 16, 2008

First Date - WOAH!

My dear readers - let me tell you a bit about my dating life. It goes like this: I go on a date, find myself mildly attracted to the idea of a second date and then BAM! the guy says some comment that leads to something about marrying me. I kid you not... it is the weirdest thing EVER!

Here are a list of my favorite "We were able to hold a decent conversation and now I'm ready to plan our lives together" lines.

  1. I'm falling in like with you. (WHO SAYS THIS?!?!)

  2. ME: "Let's get back to just being good friends." HIM: "And then get married."

  3. You could move to *Spain and we could start our lives together.

  4. If you can just do *Miami for two years I promise we can move wherever you want, Charleston perhaps?

  5. I can't wait for you to meet my mom (This after a first date referencing our SECOND date where he wants me to actually meet his mom)

  6. Let's go look at potential houses - I really want you to be happy if you move *here with me

*Countries/Cities have been changed to protect those associated with these stories but could be related to such places as China, Tampa, FL or Columbia, SC

Now - I know that I should be very flattered by any one of these lines. And I really do consider it fortunate that someone wants to marry me one day. But people, I'm not looking to get married! And the craziest thing? Each time I hear another "This was fun, let's get married" line I'm always as equally perplexed as the last time I heard one.

Someday I know I'll regret posting this when I'm old and lonely and have 700 cats. Please karma, be nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the "Let's be friends" and then "Then lets get married." HA!