Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Crazy Pills

I must be on them.

Today I signed up for a half marathon in San Francisco, California. It's through an organization called Team in Training and benefits the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I'll be running in the Nike Women's Marathon (just saying that makes me sweat) on Oct. 19th, 2008.

Now, its no secret that I'm no athelete. I hate to sweat and I get nervous when my heart beats fast (seriously, I think its because my dad has heart problems but when my heart beats fast I get mild anxiety). I have played around with exercise but more out of thinking it was the right thing to do rather than actual interest in my health or getting in shape. I'm not overweight but I'm definitely no athelete. My best sport is golf for goodness sake! And pushing myself on the course consist of another beer and leaving my cart on the path instead of dropping myself off practcially on top of the ball.

I have no idea why I signed up to do this - I will probably die trying. But you know what? I'm actually really, really looking forward to it. I think it will be super healthy for me both mentally and physically. I'll have to push myself and it will get me out of my usual routine of drinking, working and dating (thank god-I needed an excuse to stop this dating crap). Yep, just me and the open road of Buckhead to occupy my thoughts for the next 171 days. I can feel myself getting in shape already -- or atleast buying new running shoes. How exciting!!!

Kelly mentioned that she wants all her friends and family to come out. First, I don't think anyone I know would actually believe that I'll follow through with this. And secondly, I don't want anyone there to watch me - I'll obviously be a nervous wreck so putting people there with high expectations of me to finish would just heighten my anxiety. So, you all get a free pass NOT to see me compete in a marathon. I'll take lots of pictures.

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