Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bless His Heart

The Olympics have officially taken over my life and I’ve spent a better part of the past week curled up on a couch watching/crying/screaming for the USA (or really any athlete that has a good profile story). I’ve never been into the Olympics quite like I have this year but I've latched on to them with such enthusiasm this year. I’ve found myself up until the wee hours of the morning watching (note: they should really consider time differences when they pick host cities!).

I’ve loved making comparisons between different countries – the physical beauty, cultures and pride from each country is so unique and captivating. And, as you know, I wish I were a bit more worldly and less Americanized but it’s something I’m working on and seems to be improving. I became more confident in my progress the other night as I watched synchronized diving with the SO. The below transcript is not exaggerated nor changed for effect – it simply describes my delightfully simple, ultra-American, desperately southern boyfriend. Bless his heart.

SO: “I can’t believe how American they’ve made everything in China for these Olympics.”
Me: “What do you mean?”
SO: “Even the numbers are in English – look at the section numbers in the stands, they're clearly American.”
Me: (waiting for him to say he’s joking) “Honey – numbers are universal, they are just pronounced differently in other languages.”
SO: “So you’re saying numbers in, say, Germany look just like numbers in the US?”
Me: (Laughing hysterically) “YES! That’s exactly what I’m saying”

Like I said, bless his heart.


Katie said...

Chinese numbers don't look like English numbers. Hate to bust your intellectual bubble...

Anonymous said...

hahahaah I am laughing very hard right now!!! Oh roomie... I wish I was there for that one!