Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day, Poppy!

My sister just wrote an incredible post about my dad in honor of Father’s Day. So good, in fact, that I sat in my cubicle and teared up just thinking about what an incredible dad we have – it's rare these days.

I’ve always secretly thought all the failed relationships of my past could all be contributed to the fact that no one could ever amount to half the man my dad is – fair or not, he’s the only consistent man in my life and I’m in no hurry to replace him. Perhaps the thing that I relate best to with my dad (that my sister and mom will never fully understand) is that he never takes life too seriously. He has a great way of taking life with a grain of salt – loving, living and laughing through it all.

My dad knows exactly how to rationalize with me and probably even more impressive knows how to tell me I’m wrong. As a single girl with very few people in my life to consider when I make decisions or get upset, my dad has always been an opinion that I actually listen to and need.

His family values are rock solid. Considering neither of my parents had the best family life growing up, this astonishes me. (It also pisses me off when people use the excuse of a ‘bad family upbringing’ for poor life choices) When we were growing up, my dad dove into everything my sister and I did with limitless enthusiasm. When I rode horses, he NEVER missed a practice or competition - always watching from the fence at every stride, every jump with beaming pride. When my sister and I took ballet he practiced pique turns with us in the kitchen and showed us how to point our feet correctly. When I was in 3rd grade and ran for class treasurer, he insisted (against my mother's wishes) on ordering me business cards - that's right a third grader with business cards, no wonder I'm career obsessed - complete with my "Save a Penny, Vote for Ginny" tag line.
Now in my dating life, he’s always treated all my boyfriends as sons but I never, ever doubted that when my heart was broken he’d be there to pick up the pieces. Those conversations when I’m crying and hurt with my dad are the ones that mean the most – he never let’s me forget that I’m loved, unconditionally by him. His relationship with my mom is the reason (sometimes the ONLY reason) that one day I hope to get married. They are completely in love with each other and he would follow her to the ends of the earth if she asked. His love for my mom is simple, pure and uncomplicated. Not being with one another has never been an option and seeing one another through the tough times has only proven to create the strongest of marriages. I said it in my speech at my sister’s wedding and still believe it today – the two happiest couples I’ve ever seen have been my parents and my sister and Chris. It makes it impossible to settle for mediocrity in my own dating life.

So Happy Father’s Day, Poppy! I’ll always be your baby girl with big dreams and the family to help make them come true.

(Oh yeah and he’s also a great chef.)

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